Glimpse is an open source Java software library that allows developers to easily create interactive data visualization applications for complex datasets.

Visualizing Big Data
Glimpse is an Open Source Java software library for composing complex, interactive, visualization applications for big data. Glimpse enables developers to rapidly construct synchronized timelines, scatter plots, histograms, heat maps, tree maps, geospatial visualizations, and more.
These visualizations utilize OpenGL to leverage the powerful hardware features built into modern graphics cards, such as programmable shader pipelines and cached texture memory. This enables interactive, real-time filtering, scaling, and reshading of multi-dimensional datasets.
Glimpse interoperates with common GIS systems such as World Wind and Google Earth through open GIS standards. Glimpse GIS visualizations can be easily linked to other Glimpse business process information dashboards (such as timelines and plots).
Web Glimpse
Glimpse is great for building desktop Java applications. However, as an increasing number of our products and analysis are delivered via web applications, we needed the same tools that Glimpse provides to generate interactive data visualizations for large datasets, but in a browse environment.
Web Glimpse utilizes Typescript and WebGL to bring Glimpse to the browser.
Learn more about Web Glimpse and how to use it in your web applications or contribute to the codebase on the Web Glimpse GitHub page.
Example Visualizations

Getting Started
Contribute to Glimpse
Getting started building Java applications using Glimpse is easy with over 40 pre-built code examples, a discussion forum for getting help, extensive Javadocs, and a getting started guide.
Glimpse is released as open source under the BSD 3-Clause license.
To contribute, head over to the Glimpse GitHub page.

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